Tag Archives: SR&ED claim review

How to Avoid a SR&ED Claim Review

It may not always be possible to avoid a SR&ED claim review, but there are steps you can take to avoid a sred review 2014minimize the chances of one. By understanding why claims are reviewed and what terminology are red flags that can trigger a review, you will be doing your part to make a review unnecessary from the CRA’s perspective.

It’s important to keep in mind that a review of your SR&ED claim does not trigger a full tax audit.  A SR&ED review is an isolated review of the claim only.  Although SR&ED claim reviews are becoming increasingly common, as long as you understand the process and document your claim properly, there is no reason to fear a review.

Why are SR&ED reviews done?

There are some reasons for a SR&ED review that are not in your control.  These are good to be aware of.  If there are particular review triggers you believe exist in your claim, you can take extra care in preparing records and documentation so you will be ready to defend your case should a review happen.

Filing history – it’s likely that your claim will be reviewed at least once every 5 years.

Amount of ITC – larger claims are more likely to be reviewed, especially if the claim is large relative to company’s total resources.

There are several factors that can trigger a review that are in your control.

Your compliance history – if you are reviewed and found to be non-compliant in your claim, your chances of a future review will increase.  It’s wise, therefore, to have your claim reviewed by an expert if you have any doubts about its accuracy.  Most SR&ED consulting firms provide various levels of service, from full claim preparation to supporting and reviewing.

Work described in the project descriptions – in order to be eligible for SR&ED funding, your project has to meet the definition of the CRA’s policy.  At a basic level this means:

  • Projects must clearly show an attempt to overcome a scientific or technological uncertainty;
  • SR&ED work must follow the scientific method, or a systematic investigation, including, formulating a hypothesis, testing and analysis and modifying the hypotheses as necessary;
  • The process must be documented properly.

Certain terms in the project description can trigger an audit as they indicate that the policy definition is not being met.  This includes:

  • Trial and Error – involves execution of number of tests in any order and not making it a part of a systematic plan
  • Words like fine tuning, debugging, trouble-shooting are not regarded as SR&ED as there is no need to resolve uncertainties of underlying technology.
  • Standard practice is based on the application of routine approaches and procedures which can be accessed by skilled professionals in their respective fields.
  • In most cases migration is also regarded as standard practice.

Projects that seem unusual for the claimant’s business line – you can mitigate this by explaining how the project connects to your business clearly

Indications of lack of separation of SR&ED and commercial activities – SR&ED is focused on advancing technology.  Although advancing technology can and should help a company develop commercial activities, it is not the objective of SR&ED funding.  Keep SR&ED claims focused on the technology development and leave out the commercial element.

Contact us for a free consultation and get our expertise on your side today.

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SR&ED Claim Review? What to Expect from the CRA

What is the SR&ED Claim Review Process?SR&ED claim review CRA audit

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) claim review is a process involving many steps and individuals. But what exactly happens at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) once your claim is filed? Here is what you can expect during the review process.

Determining if you qualify

The CRA’s first step is determining whether your company and projects meet the basic criteria. Are you a Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (CCPC)? Is your T661 form completed correctly? Has your company attempted to overcome a technological uncertainty? Have you used research and development (R&D) to advance technology?

This is also the stage where a CRA financial reviewer inspects whether the expenses you outline in your claim are eligible costs for SR&ED program funding.

Technical aspect review

Once the basic requirements have been determined, the CRA science advisor—sometimes with the assistance of an outside industry expert—further inspects the technical aspects of your claim.

This involves the review team analysing whether your project employed R&D to solve a technological or scientific problem. It will also investigate how you measured the success of your project, and to ensure the knowledge gained was innovative to your company.

Request for information

In some cases, the CRA review team will request additional information. This can provide further evidence to support your claim or to answer questions for clarification. Should this be necessary, you will be contacted by a science advisor with a specific request.

An outside consultant may also be contracted during this stage to clarify information for the review team. The CRA is familiar with all consultants and confidentiality is ensured in every claim.

Site visit or interview

The CRA may request an interview or site visit when verbal clarification or additional documentation is insufficient. During an interview, the science advisor, possibly accompanied by a consultant, will identify the areas of your claim that are unclear.

The interview may also be to determine whether the projects were sufficiently documented and that costs were spent as claimed. For this reason it is essential to document and organize evidence of your claim.

Enhanced Capital Recovery can ease the process

Allowing a tax consultant like Enhanced Capital Recovery to take care of your SR&ED claim can ease the review process and even reduce the waiting period.

An accurate claim, complete with industry-specific information, will leave the CRA with less reason to request information or site visits for clarification. Our consultants are knowledgeable with the entire review process and could identify additional qualifying projects.

To find out how we can provide efficient assistance in submitting your claim, contact ECR today for a free consultation by phone at 1-800-470-0235 or email us at info@enhancedcapitalrecovery.com.  We look forward to hearing from you.