Tag Archives: sr and ed

Looking to Expand Your R&D?

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SRED) tax credit SR&ED solutions Edmonton Vancouver Torontocould be your solution!

Through the SR&ED program, companies are able to recover up to 68 percent of eligible costs and activities. Expenses like employees’ and shareholders’ salaries, contractor fees, and materials used in the qualifying project may be covered by the program.

Think your company is too small for SR&ED?

You do not need to operate a Fortune-500 business in order to qualify for SR&ED funding. In fact, the program is intended to reward small and medium-sized companies across Canada, especially newly-established start-ups.

Three quarters of applications received by the CRA are from smaller businesses. However, the SR&ED program also accepts claims from larger corporations, unlike other federal tax incentives that only support start-ups.

Isn’t the funding only available to companies conducting innovative research and groundbreaking experiments?

Don’t sell yourself—and your business—short! There is a good chance that an activity you conduct on a daily basis is enough to qualify for SR&ED tax credits.

This is often an experimental project, like developing a new product, improving an old one, or increasing the efficiency of a routine process. Research projects could include determining the impact on an everyday procedure or investigating a solution to a technical obstacle.

How can a SRED Consultant help?

As SRED consultants we are experts in helping you identify and successfully claim the SRED tax credit.  Best yet, we do all the work with no risk to you.  We only charge a fee based on the SRED return we get for you!

Watch our videos:


or visit our website for more information:


Or contact us today for a no risk, no obligation 15 minute discovery consultation to see if your company qualifies for SR&ED.  Enhanced Capital Recovery is your complete SR&ED solution in Edmonton, Vancouver and Toronto.

Tel: 1-800-470-0235
