If you represent a large farm operation, manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler and paid BC Social Service Tax (SST) on shipping costs from August 2009 to June 30, 2010 you may be eligible for a refund.
This is a specific issue based opportunity for a refund of SST for large farmers, manufacturers, distributors or wholesalers in BC.
- This opportunity is extremely time sensitive as the refund eligibility period (currently August 2009 to June 30, 2010) is shrinking by the day.
- Since this is a specific issue based opportunity, the preparation of the claim is simple and can be done offsite.
- Under certain circumstances this opportunity can also provide future PST savings as well.
With Enhanced Capital Recovery, you only pay for our services if you receive a refund.
Please contact us to set up a phone meeting so we can provide you more details about this opportunity.
Tel: 1-800-470-0235 ext 231
Fax: 1-800-965-3209